Get Organised
It's productivity month here at SiGNAL and we are helping small businesses to become more organised so that they can find vital extra hours in their days.

Organisation and good habits are key to growing a successful, balanced business. If you are trying to create a business that is good for you, your customers and your lifestyle, good discipline is essential.

There are never enough hours in the day for the 4.5 million of us that run small businesses alone and learning good habits and taking advantage of new technologies can maximise the 24 hours in the day that are available to you

Louise is the Community Manager at Signal, also known as the Queen of Lists, and brings order to everything she touches.

From lists in notebooks to productivity apps ??" Louise will demonstrate how to bring order and calm to your everyday working life by getting rid of 'brain clutter' and prioritising tasks.

So if all you need in life and business is a couple of extra hours in the day ??" this Bizhub session is one you must not miss
Louise Eldridge 
Community Manager at SiGNAL
Contact Details
01420 556 335
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