Radical New Platforms
Using radical new social platforms for YOUR Business ??

Snapchat? Instagram? Tik Tok? Find out on August 7th   

LONG The environment is changing, youth engagement in Facebook is declining ??" what are the future trends for young audiences? Most of them are very loyal to 'close friend' networking tools, spending several hours a day there, and crucially, they can't be reached anywhere else.? 

With the recent news that Shopify merchants can link directly to Snapchat from inside the ecommerce platform, buidling campaigns directly from their catalogues, Snapchat is becoming BIG business.? 

From the Snapchat for Business Website: 

'A significant share of daily Snapchatters are exclusive to the Snapchat platform; they can't be reached on other mobile apps. For marketers active on the platform, that means exclusive access to a uniquely engaged audience' 

There is a  real opportunity to use these apps for YOUR business in a VERY powerful way
Simon Barry
Simon Barry TV
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