Lower Bungalow Alarm Instructions
Martinique House (4)

Gate Code 1106


  • Whenever you leave the building you are responsible for ensuring if anyone else is on site and if so, that they have keys to secure the building.
  • Ensure to sign out in the resident’s book at the main entrance.
  • If you are the last person to leave the premises, you are responsible for locking and alarming the building.
  • Ensure to: -
  • Sign out in the residence book
  • Make sure all windows and doors in communal areas are shut

Deactivating the alarm

  • Go to the Texecom display panel on the wall (closest to the door). You may need to pull the flap down so that you can see the display.


  • Press the ‘tick’ button.


  • Put your fob to the display where it states ‘Prox’ (left-hand corner).


  • The beeping will now stop.

  • To enter the building, the door code to the interior glass door is (panel to the left of the door):




Setting the alarm


  • Go to the Texecom display panel on the wall (closest to the door). You may need to pull the flap down so that you can see the display.


  • Press the ‘tick’ button.


  • Put your fob to the display where it states ‘Prox’ (left-hand corner).


  • Press the ‘tick’ button again.


  • Exit the building and lock the front door.
  • Wait for the alarm to stop beeping.
  • The building is now secure, and you are free to leave! 



Silencing a false alarm


If you get an alarm activation whilst you are in the building, or you have a false alarm while securing the building - follow the below to silence the alarm: -


  • Press the tick button.


  • Present your fob to the display panel where it states ‘Prox’ (left-hand corner).


The alarm should now stop.

You will now need to clear the false alarm.



Resetting the alarm / Clearing a false alarm


If there is a problem with the alarm and you need to re-set it then follow the instructions below: -

  • Press the ‘tick’ button


  • Present your fob to the display panel where it states ‘Prox’ (left-hand corner).


  • Press the ‘back’ button.


If the fault hasn’t cleared, then repeat the above steps again until the display returns to Blucando with the date and time

You can now alarm the building and leave in the usual way.

If you still cannot clear the fault and you are unable to set the alarm, or for any other issues, please call our key holder:


AIB - On duty tel no 07494 494064 / Office number 01420 489644

AIB (All in Black) security company based in Bordon holds a set of keys and alarm fobs for the buildings.

In the event of an issue securing the building i.e. you have misplaced your keys/fob please call AIB.

If the above contacts cannot be reached and in the event of an emergency, please call Emma Selby - on mobile 07967 631170


Download a copy of this document for your records HERE


If you have any issues or questions, please contact the team at [email protected] or call on 01420 556 335.