Keeping Your Data Secure
How is your data stored? 

Is it Secure like Fort Knox or are you vulnerable?

Cyber-attacks are a growing threat to you and your business with over 50% of SMEs being hit with cyber-attacks or data breaches last year. Over half of those were through email and social engineering scams. That's a scary statistic for any Business owner!

The worrying thing is a lot of these attacks could have been avoided by implementing a few simple practises with in your business.

Fear not! it's not all doom and gloom, the Bordon Hub team is here with a padlock for your data

Ben will be talking through the various ways scammers try to steal your login details, what they can do with them and how to be safe.

Make sure that you don't get caught in a scammer net
Ben Fielding
Contact Details
0333 123 3007
Social Links